Payment Policy
Payment Timing: All payments must be made prior to the event.
Payment Methods:
- PayPal: Online via our website, or directly via link sent by us.
- Bank Transfer: Payments can be made to our MRU or EUR account.
Important Note: Ensure that payments are processed promptly to secure the booking.
Cancellation Policy
Weather-Related Cancellations:
In cases of bad weather, heavy rainfall, or cyclones where safety is a concern, our professional instructor will make the final decision on whether the activity can proceed.
Rescheduling: If an activity is canceled due to safety concerns, we will reschedule it based on the availability of both parties.
Refunds: In rare cases where rescheduling is not possible, a refund will be issued.
Client-Initiated Cancellations:
If a client cancels the activity for no valid reason within 24 hours of the event, no refund will be issued.
Booking Information
Please carefully read the following information. Each participant will be required to sign a copy of this statement before the activity takes place.
In consideration of the services of Outdoor Leadership and Survival School Ltd, its agents, employees, trustees, officers, contractors and all other persons or entities associated with it (referred to below as ‘OLASS’), I agree and acknowledge as follows:
- Although OLASS has taken reasonable steps to provide me with appropriate equipment and skilled staff for the activity for which I have applied, I acknowledge that the activities of the program have risks, including certain risks that cannot be eliminated without destroying their unique character.
- Those same elements can cause loss or damage to my equipment, accidental injury, illness, or in extreme cases, permanent trauma, disability or death.
- I understand that OLASS thinks it is important for me to know in advance what to expect and to be informed of the activities’ inherent risks. I have been informed in the briefing about the risks involved in the activities and I agree to assume responsibility for the inherent risks of the activities for which I have chosen to participate in.
- My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, no one is forcing me to participate, and I elect to participate in spite of and with the knowledge of the inherent risks.
- I understand that I must have my own insurance for any injuries that may arise through the participation of the activity.
I take full responsibility for all equipment entrusted to me. I understand that I will be charged for all equipment lost or damaged through my negligence.
Any injury should be reported within a period of 48hrs following the activity.
I (referred to as “I” or “me” in the paragraphs which follow), or, if I am under the age of 18, my parents or guardian (referred to as “we”), for themselves and on my behalf, agree as follows:
a) To release and discharge OLASS, from all claims, liabilities and losses whatsoever asserted by or on behalf of me, or by my parents or guardian, in any way arising from or connected with my enrolment or participation in an activity of OLASS (including transportation and occurrences to and from the activity).
I (or we) understand that in signing this document, I (or we) surrender our rights to make a claim or file a lawsuit against OLASS for personal injury, property damage, wrongful death, products liability (including strict liability), or under any other legal theory, except in cases of intentional wrongs or the gross negligence of OLASS.
b) To defend, hold harmless and indemnify OLASS from any claim, and from any liability, loss, damages or expenses (including attorney’s fees) resulting from a claim, brought by a fellow participant, rescuer or any other person for loss or damage caused in whole or in part by my conduct.